Every human is born with an innate desire for mastery. One of the clearest examples of this phenomenon can be witnessed in toddlers. Watch a toddler who just took his/her first few steps – they fall very easily. But as you keep watching them, you will notice that no matter how many times they fall, they have this “innate desire” to get back up and take a few small steps again – sometimes with support, sometimes without it. This innate desire for mastery drives every human being to move forward and make progress on the path they are on. It doesn’t matter if they’re learning to walk or if they’re managing a billion-dollar company with tens of thousands of employees; this “innate desire for mastery” is the smallest, indivisible unit of force that pushes people, businesses, and nations forward towards achieving their own individual goals and ambitions.
Similarly, “continuous improvement” is a part of this equation of progress. It is because of this desire to improve continuously; that transportation went from handcarts and horse-carriages to bullet trains and supersonic jets in the last few hundred years of existence of mankind.
Improvement is said to have been achieved when at least one of the following two conditions are met:
- Same or better quality and quantity of output is delivered using lesser resources.
- Better quality and quantity of output are delivered using the same or higher number of resources.
Most human resource teams across the globe work towards achieving condition 1 of improvement – same or better quality and quantity of output using lesser resources. The reason is simple. Budgets often favor the revenue-generating arms of the business like research & development, marketing, and sales, which further means that most HR teams operate on limited resources. Therefore, to show improvement, HR teams need to prove that they can do more with less.
The EHRS HR Toolkit is a giant leap for HR teams towards achieving condition 1 – doing more with less.
What is the EHRS HR Toolkit?
The EHRS HR Toolkit is an advanced, one-stop solution designed specifically for startups, small and medium businesses, multinational enterprises, and HR professionals looking to leverage convenience and speed to unlock the true potential of their human resource team.
This toolkit contains everything from employee policy, recruitment, and statutory templates to employee compensation, performance management, and exit process documents that you can use instantly across all online and offline platforms.
How Will My HR Team Benefit from the EHRS HR Toolkit?
Imagine you put out an ad in a local listing.
“Looking for Android developers in Mumbai, minimum 4 years of experience required”
You get nine responses the next day. Checking availability with the application development team, you decide to shoot out an email to the candidates, scheduling three phone interviews and six video interviews for tomorrow. Tomorrow comes, and at the end of the day, only seven candidates were interviewed by your team. You shoot out a rescheduling email to the remaining two candidates. By the end of the week, your team shortlists three developers out of the nine. You shoot out offer letters to the three shortlisted candidates and feedback letters to the remaining six rejected candidates. You also shoot out a joining bonus email to one of the three shortlisted candidates and two contract info emails to the other two shortlisted candidates.
During the entire process, you, as a recruiter, could very well write at least two dozen emails manually. Even if you took the average time of 14 minutes to write one email, you would spend 5.6 hours just writing emails during the entire course of the recruitment activity!
That’s equivalent to almost one entire day of productive work!
The EHRS HR Toolkit aims to bring down this time to just a few minutes.
Here’s how:
Remove Bottlenecks from Information Pipelines: Information travels from one HR professional to another at a certain speed. If information is hard to find, needs verification, or is not good quality, it creates bottlenecks that slow down the entire HR system. EHRS HR Toolkit gives you full access to a repository of ready-to-use HR templates – the quickest way to get the information you need whenever you need it.
Customize Modules Exactly How You Need It: All templates and documents inside the EHRS HR Toolkit are fully customizable. Instantly edit any template or document as per your business needs using MS Word, MS Excel, Adobe Acrobat, and MS PowerPoint.
Make Smarter Use of Your Time: Instant access to all crucial HR templates and documents saves time, and your HR professionals can use that saved time to focus more on core HR functions like creating employee development strategies and improving the existing appraisal process.
What Exactly Will My HR Team Get After Using the EHRS HR Toolkit?
Job Description Templates
This section contains many job description templates. These templates are specifically designed in a way that allows companies to not waste any of their valuable time writing lengthy descriptions and listing out necessary qualifications and skills. Templates in this section give detailed information about the job, painting a clear picture of what is required inside the minds of the candidates.
Interview Question Checklists
The ability to ask smart questions is a real advantage. It allows the interviewer to assess the candidate’s dedication, performance, and skills. It also marks an impression on the candidate, which further affects employer branding. This section has a complete list of smart questions that are classified according to job roles. Hiring a marketing lead? Ask them questions related to marketing and branding. Hiring a developer? Ask them questions related to their field.
Hiring, Interview, Offer Templates
The hiring process has always been a multi-stage process that involves written communication between several people simultaneously. The EHRS HR Toolkit email templates are designed carefully, keeping hundreds of different hiring scenarios in mind.
Standardized Employee Policies
A complete and latest set of standard employee policies is included in the EHRS HR Toolkit, which comprises everything from employee handbooks, code of conduct, and anti-sexual harassment policies to annexures for travel requisition, leave application policies, and compensation policies. You can easily send these policies to any of your employees at any time – no edits required.
Performance Management Module
As your business grows with time, the number of employees working for you will also grow simultaneously. More people in your organization adds to the complexity of people management. This is why, as time passes, you will need a standardized process to set different types of goals for your employees and measure their actual performance against certain benchmarks during the appraisal evaluation process. This performance management module comprises a detailed performance review sheet, a performance improvement plan document, a template for performance rating, and warning/appreciation letters that you can send to your employees as per their performance.
Records and Formats
As your business grows, you might have to make sure that every little transaction, right from stapler pins to travel requests, must be raised and recorded accurately and systematically. It will always be an important practice for your employees to follow because of the underlying principle of using all company resources with respect and discretion. The records and formats module comprises templates for raising a request for couriers, stationery, medical reimbursement, travel expenses, and so on.
Learning and Development Module
As mentioned at the beginning of the blog, this module relates to the continuous improvement concept of growth. All employees need continuous training on various important topics to keep them updated with market trends and self-improvement training. This module has a plethora of highly-useful trainings like gap analysis training, teamwork training, telephone/email etiquettes, cost analysis training, need analysis training, time management training, business communication training, and much more!
Don’t reinvent the wheel. In this age of hyper-competitive businesses and relentless innovation, it is unwise to start writing or editing every document related to your HR from scratch. With every minute you spend unnecessarily writing something that has already been written, you give an opportunity to your competition to overtake you. This ready-made collection of thousands of crucial HR documents will keep your business leaps and bounds ahead of your competition. As a result, you hire faster, improve candidate experience, and boost the overall morale of your workplace by being efficient in resolving employee queries on time.
Get a copy of the EHRS HR Toolkit now: https://ehrs.exelatech.in/ehrs-hr-toolkit
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